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Girls Boxing Challenge

Episodes per season:  13

Length:  One Hour

Twelves ordinary women learn the art of boxing and compete for a (TBD) cash prize, while dealing with their personal demons.

Twelve ordinary women from all walks of life and social backgrounds live together in the “Olympic Village” – an all-purpose fitness resort to learn the art of boxing.  The women will share personal stories, exposing shaky self-confidence and buried secrets while leaning on each other for support.  The goal of the show is to give the women the strength and ability to navigate their emotions by learning boxing technique and enduring military style training.  The women will be pushed physically, mentally and emotionally, testing their limits until they eventually face each other in a boxing match As tension rise the competition gets more intense.  The women turn from sheep into lions and high tension turns into high drama as relationships are tested in and out of the ring. 

The host, counselor, trainers and mentors will be well-known boxing promoters, trainers and/or boxers.