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Lincoln’s odyssey in the arts commenced in the vibrant arenas of music, touring with icons such as Marky Mark (now known as Mark Wahlberg) and The Funky Bunch. His keen eye for talent led him to judge burgeoning hip hop artists for prestigious platforms like Disney and American Idol. Lincoln’s charisma and talent then translated seamlessly onto the screen, where he shared cinematic space with luminaries like Denzel Washington in “The Siege” and graced the gritty universe of HBO’s “OZ” alongside Christopher Meloni, among numerous other television endeavors. His evolution continued behind the camera, contributing to acclaimed projects such as “Pride and Glory” and “Spiderman 3,” before venturing into the realms of writing and directing, with works like the television pilot “Stir Up Crazy” (formerly known as “Office Madness”) and the film “Devil’s Prey.”

“Devil’s Prey” marked Caspin Productions’ inaugural venture into feature filmmaking in 2010, embodying our ethos of relentless pursuit of artistic expression. The film’s journey was fraught with challenges – the loss of original film drives in a tumultuous turn of events saw the project shelved, a testament to the unpredictable nature of the creative process. Yet, the essence of Caspin Productions is found in its resilience and innovative spirit.

The resurrection of “Devil’s Prey” is a narrative of rebirth and collaboration. The introduction of Taylor MacCrae to Lincoln forged a working relationship fueled by shared passion and a profound belief in the project’s potential. Together, they embarked on a formidable quest to reinvent the film. Employing a mélange of stock footage, meticulous reshooting, and innovative special effects, coupled with the immersive layers of sound effects and music, the team reimagined “Devil’s Prey” into its present form. This endeavor was not just a revival of a film but a testament to the power of collaboration and the unyielding spirit of creativity that defines Caspin Productions.

Today, Caspin Productions continues to sculpt time through the art of film, embracing the words of the renowned filmmaker, “Unlike all the other art forms, film is able to seize and render the passage of time, to stop it, almost to possess it in infinity.” We invite you to journey with us as we continue to craft timeless narratives and explore the infinite possibilities of storytelling through film.